3. Scientific Work - Books and Coordination of Collective Works

3.1 Books:

1. Us, the Particle and the World / Nous, la particule et le monde, Editions Le Mail, Paris, France, 1985; 2nd edition: Rocher, Monaco, 2002; 3rd edition: E. M. E.§ InterCommunications, Bruxelles, 2012; prize of the French Academy (in French).


  • Nos, a particula e o universo,  Esquilo, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005, translation in Portuguese by Isabel Debot, in the framework of the International Year of Physics.
  • Noi, particula si lumea, Polirom, Iasi, Roumanie, 2002, translation in Romanian by Vasile Sporici ; 2nd edition: Junimea, Iasi, Romania, 2007.

3.2 Coordination of Collective Works:

4. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering – Towards High Energy Frontiers, Château de Blois, France, May 15-20, 2005, edited by M. Haguenauer, B. Nicolescu and J. Tran Thanh Van , Thê Giôi Publishers, Vietnam, 2006.
3. Time in Sciences / Le temps dans les sciences, edited by Norbert Dodille, Christian Duhamel and Basarab Nicolescu, Harmattan Editions, Paris, France, 1995 (in French).
2. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering, edited by B. Nicolescu and J. Tran Thanh Van, Frontières Editions, 1986.
1. Proceedings of the International Workshop Baryonium and Other Unusual Hadron States, edited by B. Nicolescu, R. Vinh Mau and J.-M. Richard, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Orsay, France, 1979.

http://www.basarab-nicolescu.ciret-transdisciplinarity.org/sw_books.php - Last modified on : Friday, October 26 2012 19:29:47