2. Scientific Work - List of Scientific Papers

130. "Discovery of the Odderon by TOTEM experiments and the FMO approach"
in collaboration with E. Martynov
arXiv:1810.08930 [hep-ph]
EPJ Web Conf. 206 (2019) 06001 (2019)
19 November 2018

129. "Odderon: models vs experimental data - a short review of recent papers"
in collaboration with E. Martynov
arXiv:1811.07635 [hep-ph]
19 November 2018

128. "Odderon effects in the differential cross-sections at Tevatron and LHC energies"
in collaboration with E. Martynov
arXiv:1808.08580 [hep-ph]
Eur. Phys. J. C (2019) 79: 461
26 August 2018

127. "Evidence for maximality of strong interactions from LHC forward data"
in collaboration with E. Martynov
arXiv:1804.10139 [hep-ph]
Phys. Lett. B786 (2018) 207
26 April 2018

126. "Did TOTEM Experiment Discover the Odderon?"
in collaboration with E. Martynov
Phys. Lett. B 778 (2018) 414
arXiv:1711.03288 [hep-ph]
21 November 2017

125. "Complexity and transdisciplinarity Discontinuity, levels of Reality and the Hidden Third"
in collaboration with Paul Cilliers
Futures, Vol. 44, Issue 8, October 2012, Pages 711–718 (2012)

124. "Plots of Total Cross Sections and Related Quantities"
in "Review of Particle Physics", edition 2008 : Particle Data Group, C. Amsler et al., Physics Letters B, Vol. 667, Issues 1-5, 18 September 2008, p. 362-369, Section 40,
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky and N. P. Tkachenko (COMPETE Collaboration)

123. "Unified Model for Small-t and High-t Scattering at High Energies: Predictions at RHIC and LHC"
in collaboration with E. Martynov
European Physical Journal C56 (2008) 57-62

122*. "The Odderon at RHIC and LHC"
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering - Forward Physics and QCD, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroton, Hamburg, Germany, 2007, p. 173-180, edited by J. Bartels, K. Borras, M. Diehl and H. Jung.

121. "How Can the Odderon Be Detected at RHIC and LHC"
European Physical Journal C49 (2007) 581
in collaboration with R. F. Avila and P. Gauron

120. "Plots of Total Cross Sections and Related Quantities"
in "Review of Particle Physics", edition 2006: Particle Data Group, W.-M. Yao et al., Journal of Physics G33 (2006) 1, Section 40,
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky and N. P. Tkachenko (COMPETE Collaboration)

119*. "Calculation of the Real Part of the Nuclear Amplitude at High s and Small t From the Coulomb Amplitude"
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering – Towards High Energy Frontiers, Château de Blois, France, edited by M. Haguenauer, B. Nicolescu and J. Tran Thanh Van , Thê Giôi Publishers, Vietnam, 2006.
in collaboration with P. Gauron and O. Selyugin

118*. "The Present Situation of the Odderon Intercept – Experiment, Theory and Phenomenology" 
Proceedings of the International Workshop « Odderon Searches at RHIC », Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, September 27-29, 2005,  edited by W. Guryn, Y. Kovchegov,  W. Vogelsang and. L. Trueman, BNL-75092-2005 Formal Report.

117. "A New Method for the Determination of the Real Part of the Hadron Elastic Scattering Amplitude at Small Angles and High Energies"
Physics Letters B 629 (2005) 83
in collaboration with P. Gauron and O. Selyugin.

116. "Is the (2632) Meson a Cryptoexotic Tetraquark Baryonium State?"
in collaboration with J. de Melo.

115. "Atlas of Total Cross Sections"
In "Review of Particle Physics", edition 2004 : Particle Data Group, S. Edelman et al., Physics Letters B592 (2004) 1, Section "Cross-Section Formulae and Plots"
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky and N. P. Tkachenko (COMPETE Collaboration).

114. "Determination of the Structure of the High-Energy Hadron Elastic Scattering at Small Angles"
in collaboration with O. Selyugin.

113*. "Analytic Amplitudes for Hadronic Forward Scattering and the Heisenberg ln2s Behaviour of Total Cross Sections"
Proceedings of the 10th International QCD Conference (QCD03), Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 133 (2004) 87

112*. "Features of High-Energy pp and pA Elastic Scattering at Small t"
Invited talk at the 10th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (10th Blois Workshop), Hanasaari, Finland, 23-28 June 2003
in collaboration with O. Selyugin.

111. "Heisenberg's Universal ln2s Increase of Total Cross Sections"
Physical Review D67 (2003) 077501
in collaboration with H. G. Dosch and P. Gauron.

110. "Benchmarks for the Forward Observables at RHIC, the Tevatron-Run II, and the LHC"
Physical Review Letters 89 (2002) 201801
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky, E. Martynov, E. A. Razuvaev and N. P. Tkachenko (COMPETE Collaboration).

109. "Hadronic Scattering Amplitudes: Medium-Energy Constraints on Asymptotic Behaviour"
Physical Review D65 (2002) 074024
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky and N. P. Tkachenko (COMPETE Collaboration).

108*. "Analytic Amplitudes for Hadronic Forward Scattering : COMPETE Update"
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2002), Amsterdam, July 24-31, 2002, CD North Holland 2002 ICHEP, pp. 400-402
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky, E. Martynov, E. A. Razuvaev and N. P. Tkachenko (COMPETE Collaboration).

107*. "Overview of the COMPETE Program"
Proceedings of the 2nd International "Cetraro" Workshop and NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Diffraction 2002", Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, August 31 - September 6, 2002, Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands 2003, pp. 47-61
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, S. K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, A. Lengyel, K. S. Lugovsky, S. B. Lugovsky, V. S. Lugovsky, E. Martynov, E. A. Razuvaev, M. Yu. Sapunov, O. Selyugin, N. P. Tkachenko, M. Whalley and O. V. Zenin (COMPETE Collaboration).

106*. "Forward Observables at RHIC, the Tevatron-Run II, and the LHC"
Proceedings of the 2nd International "Cetraro" Workshop and NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Diffraction 2002", Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, August 31 - September 6, 2002, Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands 2003, pp. 63-72
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky, E. Martynov, E. A. Razuvaev and N. P. Tkachenko (COMPETE Collaboration).

105. "Atlas of Total Cross Sections"
in "Review of Particle Physics", edition 2002 : K. Hagiwara et al., Physical Review D66 (2002) 010001, Section 37
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky and N. P. Tkachenko (COMPETE Collaboration).

104*. "Analytic Parametrizations of the Non-Perturbative Pomeron and QCD-Inspired Models"
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (9th Blois Workshop), Insitute of Physics AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic, 2002, edited by V. Kundrát and P. Zavada, pp. 265-274
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky and N. P. Tkachenko (COMPETE Collaboration).

103*. "Analytic Amplitude Models for Forward Scattering"
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (9th Blois Workshop), Insitute of Physics AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic, 2002, edited by V. Kundrát and P. Zavada, pp. 275-286.
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky and N. P. Tkachenko (COMPETE Collaboration).

102*. "New Measures of the Quality and of the Reliability of Fits Applied to Forward Hadronic Data at t=0"
Proceedings the 6th Workshop on Non-Perturbative QCD, American University of Paris, World Scientific, 2002, edited by H. M. Fried, Y. Gabellini and B. Müller, pp. 107-112
in collaboration with J. R. Cudell, V. V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu. V. Kuyanov, S. B. Lugovsky and N. P. Tkachenko (COMPETE Collaboration).

101*. "The Two-Component Non-Perturbative Pomeron and the G-Universality"
Invited talk at the International Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics - Diffraction 2000, Cetraro, Italy
Nuclear Physics (Proc. Suppl.) B99 (2001) 47

100. "A Possible Two-Component Structure of the Non-Perturbative Pomeron"
Physics Letters B486 (2000) 71
in collaboration with P. Gauron.

99*. "Levels of Reality as Source of Quantum Indeterminacy"
Publié dans Determinismo e complessità, Armando Editore, Roma, 2000, pp. 127-158, edited by F. Tito Arecchi

98*. "Hylemorphism, Quantum Physics and Levels of Reality"
in Aristotle and Contemporary Science, Vol. I, Peter Lang, New York, 2000, pp. 173-184, edited by Demetra Sfendoni-Mentzou, introduction by Hilary Putnam.

97*. "Recent Advances in Odderon Physics"
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (8th Blois Workshop), Protvino, Russia, World Scientific, 2000, pp. 177-187, edited by V. A. Petrov and A. V. Prokhudin.

96* - "Quantum Reality"
in Vous avez dit "vivant" ? , No 2 - special issue "Confrontation entre science et vivant", February 2000, INSERM and Pôle Universitaire Européen de Montpellier et du Languedoc-Roussilon, pp. 4-6, 14-15, 20-22.

95* - "Cyber-space-time and the Time of  Physics"
Sciences N° 99-S, Workshop "Time and Mondialization", AFAS, Paris, November 1999, pp. 22-23.

94. "Direct calculation of the Odderon intercept in perturbative QCD"
Nuclear Physics B542 (1999) 329
in collaboration with M. A. Braun and P. Gauron.

93*. "The Odderon in theory and experiment - A mini-review"
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Vancouver, Canada, July 23-29, 1998, World Scientific, 1999, pp. 921-923, edited by Alan Astbury, David Axen and Jacob Robinson.

92*. "Oscillations in the hadron scattering amplitude at high energy and small momentum transfer"
Proceedings of the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (PA2), Jerusalem, edited by D. Lellouch, G. Mickenberg and E. Rabinovici, Springer, 1998.

91* - « Relativity and Quantum Physics » / « Relativité et physique quantique »
in Dictionary of Ignorance, Albin Michel, series Sciences d'aujourd'hui, Paris, 1998, pp. 108-120, edited by Michel Cazenave ; 2nd edition : At the Frontiers of Science / Aux frontières de la science, Hachette / Littérature, Paris, 2000.

90* - "Levels of Representation and Levels of Reality : Towards an Ontology of Science"
in Studies in Science and Theology 1996, 4. The Concept of Nature in Science and Theology, Part II, Labor et Fides, edited by Niels H. Gregersen, Michael W.S. Parsons and Christoph Wassermann, Genève, 1998, pp. 94-103.

89* - "Gödelian Aspects of Nature and Knowledge"
in Systems - New Paradigms for the Human Sciences, De Gruyter, Berlin, 1998, translation from French by Karen-Claire Voss, pp. 385-403, edited by Gabriel Altmann and Walter A. Koch.

88. "The AKM theorem and oscillations in the hadron scattering amplitude at high energy and small momentum transfer"
Physics Letters B397 (1997) 305
in collaboration with P. Gauron and O. Selyugin.

87*. "Oscillations in the hadron scattering amplitude at high energy and small momentum transfer"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (7th Blois Workshop) Recent Advances in Hadron Physics, Seoul, Korea, edited by K. Kang, S. K. Kim and C. Lee, World Scientific, 1997, pp. 130-133.

86*. "Model-independent determination of the hadron elastic scattering at high energy and small momentum transfer "
Proceedings of the International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (7th Blois Workshop) Recent Advances in Hadron Physics, Seoul, Korea, edited by K. Kang, S. K. Kim and C. Lee, World Scientific, 1997, pp. 126-129.

85*. "Oscillations in the hadron scattering amplitude at high energy and small momentum transfer"
Proceedings of the XXXIInd Rencontres de Moriond '97 QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, Les Arcs, edited by J. Trân Thanh Van, Frontières Editions, 1997, pp. 619-623.

84. "Testing for new phenomena in high energy elastic scattering"
Physics Letters B397 (1997) 126
in collaboration with P. Gauron and E. Leader.

83. "Model-independent determination of the hadron elastic scattering amplitude at high energy and small momentum transfer"
Physics Letters B390 (1997) 405
in collaboration with P. Gauron and O. Selyugin.

82*. "Structure of the high energy elastic scattering amplitude and spin asymmetries"
Proceedings of the Workshop "Hadrons-96 : Confinement", Novy Svet, Crimea, edited by G. Bugrij, L. Jenkovszky and E. Martynov, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraina, 1996, pp. 242-251
in collaboration with P. Gauron and O. Selyugin.

81*. "A critical discussion of the extraction of the ρ parameter at high-energy hadron scattering"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (6th Blois Workshop), Vol. « Frontiers in Strong Interactions », edited by P. Chiappetta, M. Haguenauer and J. Tran Thanh Van, Frontières Editions, 1996, pp. 49-54.

80* - "Levels of Complexity and Levels of Reality"
in The Emergence of Compexity in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology , Scripta varia N° 89 - Proceedings of the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, 27-31 october 1992, Pontificia Academia Scientiarum, Vatican City, edited by Bernard Pullman, Rome, 1996, pp. 393-417.

79*. "On the self-coherence of the hadron high-energy total cross-section data"
Proceedings of the Workshop on Quantum Infrared Physics, American University of Paris, edited by H.M. Fried and B. Müller, World Scientific, 1995, p. 475.

78. "The Odderon intercept in perturbative QCD"
Zeitschrift für Physik C63 (1994) 253
in collaboration with P. Gauron and L. Lipatov.

77. "On the coherence between high-energy total cross-section data when compared with general principles"
Physics Letters B333 (1994) 142
in collaboration with P. Gauron.

76* « Levels of Complexity and Levels of Relity – Towards a New Definition of Nature » / « Niveaux de complexité et niveaux de Réalité - Vers une nouvelle définition de la Nature »
in L'homme, la science et la nature - Regards transdisciplinaires, Le Mail, Paris, 1994, pp. 15-38.

75* - « The Quantum Imagination / « L'imaginaire quantique"
in Sciences et imaginaire, Albin Michel / Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, series Sciences d'aujourd'hui, Paris, 1994, pp. 207-220, edited by Ilke Angela Maréchal.

74. "Calculation of the Odderon intercept in perturbative QCD"
Physics Letters B304 (1993) 334
in collaboration with P. Gauron and L. Lipatov.

73. "Consistency of the maximal Odderon approach with the QFT constraints"
Physics Letters B294 (1992) 298
in collaboration with P. Gauron and L. Lukaszuk.

72. "The importance of the measurement of ρ for the understanding of high energy hadron-hadron scattering"
Physics Letters B292 (1992) 448
in collaboration with P. Gauron.

71*. "The Odderon predictions at Tevatron and LHC energies"
Proceedings of the Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium and Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, edited by S. Hegarty, K. Potter and E. Quercigh, World Scientific, 1992, vol. I, p. 773.

70*. "The Odderon - past , present and future"
Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 25B (1992) 142.

69*. "Opening address at the International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (4th Blois Workshop)"
Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 25B (1992) 1.

68. "Conformal properties of the Odderon in QCD"
Physics Letters 260B (1991) 407
in collaboration with P. Gauron and L. Lipatov.

67. "Experimental confirmation of the Odderon approach predictions for elastic scattering at Tevatron energies"
Physics Letters 258B (1991) 482
in collaboration with P. Gauron.

66*. "The Odderon today"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the XXVth Rencontre de Moriond, Vol. "High Energy Hadronic Interactions", Frontières Editions, 1990, pp. 421-430.

65. "Odderon description of the and pp forward and non-forward data"
Physics Letters 238B (1990) 406
in collaboration with P. Gauron and E. Leader.

64*. "The measurement of the real part of the amplitude at the CERN collider : the Odderon interpretation"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the XXIIIrd Rencontre de Moriond, Vol. "Current Issues in Hadron Physics", Frontières Editions, 1988, pp. 179-182.

63*. "The new UA4 datum and the Odderon"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering, The Rockefeller University, New York, USA, October 16-18, 1987, Frontières Editions, 1988, edited by K. Goulianos, pp. 133-144.

62. "Similarities and differences between and pp scattering at TeV energies and beyond"
Nuclear Physics B299 (1988) 640
in collaboration with P. Gauron and E. Leader

61. "Odderon interpretation of the new UA4 datum"
Physics Letters 199B (1987) 125
in collaboration with D. Bernard and P. Gauron

60. "A possible field theoretical description of the Odderon"
Orsay preprint IPNO/TH 87-53,
in collaboration with P. Gauron and L. Szymanowski.

59*. "Review of elastic and diffractive scattering at high energies"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Energy Physics, Bari, Italy, 18-24 July, 1985, Lateza, Bari, 1986, edited by L. Nitti and G. Preparata, pp. 451-457.

58*. "Comparison of proton-proton and proton-antiproton scattering at very high energies"
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering, Château de Blois, June 3-6, 1985, Frontières Editions, 1986, pp. 183-194
in collaboration with P. Gauron and E. Leader.

57. "pp vs. panti-p: from Intersecting Storage Rings to Superconducting Supercollider"
Physical Review Letters 54 (1985) 2656 ; 55 (1985) 639
in collaboration with P. Gauron and E. Leader.

56*. "Difference between panti-p and pp at high energies"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the 5th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, Saint Vincent, Aosta Valley, Italy (February 25 - March 1, 1985), edited by M. Greco, World Scientific Publishing Company, 1985), pp. 581-592.

55*. "Odderon Effects at the collider and beyond"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the VIIth European Symposium on Antiproton Interactions, Durham, United Kingdom (July 9-13, 1984), edited by M.R. Pennington, Institute of Physics Conference Series n° 73, Adam Hilger Ltd., London, 1985, pp. 411-419.

54. "Asymptopia and Hadron Elastic Scattering"
Physics Letters 143B (1984) 253
in collaboration with P. Gauron.

53. "Polarization in and asymptotic theorems"
Physical Review Letters 52 (1984) 1952
in collaboration with P. Gauron and E. Leader.

52*. "From baryonium to hexons"
Invited talk in "A Passion for Physics", Proceedings of the G.F. Chew Jubilee, September 29, 1984, World Scientific Publishing Company, 1985, edited by C. DeTar, J. Finkelstein and C.I. Tan, pp. 195-221
in collaboration with V. Poénaru.

51*. "GeV partons and TeV hexons from a topological viewpoint"
Proceedings of the XIXth Rencontre de Moriond, Vol. "New Particle Production", Frontières Editions, 1984, pp. 143-165,
in collaboration with G.F. Chew, D. Issler and V. Poénaru.

50*. "panti-p and pp slopes and total cross sections at ISR and collider energies"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the XVIIIth Rencontre de Moriond, Vol. "Antiproton-Proton Physics and the W Discovery", Frontières Editions (1983), pp. 107-114
in collaboration with P. Gauron.

49. "Are there new effects in the ISR and collider panti-p and pp data ?"
Physics Letters 124B (1983) 429
in collaboration with P. Gauron.

48*. "The new ISR and collider panti-p and pp data and asymptotic theorems"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Nucleon-Antinucleon and Quark-Antiquark Interactions, Santiago de Compostela, Real Sociedad Española de Fisica (1983), pp. 273-278.

47*. "A self-consistent lowest-order dual-topological unitarization calculation of the strong coupling constant"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Granlibakken, Lake Tahoe, U.S.A. (June 22-27, 1983), World Scientific Publishing Company, 1984, edited by P. Yager and J.F. Gunion, pp. 835-842.

46. "A self-consistent lowest-order dual-topological unitarization Regge trajectory and coupling calculation"
The Physical Review D29 (1984) 533
in collaboration with L.A.P. Balazs and P. Gauron.

45. "Self-consistent light-quark qqq and mass spectrum"
The Physical Review D28 (1983) 2818
in collaboration with L.A.P. Balazs.

44. "Topological compositeness of quarks, leptons and electroweak bosons"
Zeitschrift für Physik C14 (1982) 289
in collaboration with G.F. Chew, J. Finkelstein and V. Poénaru.

43*. "Dual Topological Unitarization calculations of hadron masses - a mini-review"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Energy Physics, Lisbon, 9-15 July 1981, edited by European Physical Society (1982), pp. 955-959.

42*. "Topological supersymmetry and hadron cross sections"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the XVIth Rencontre de Moriond, Frontières Editions (1981), Vol. II "New Flavours and Hadron Spectroscopy", p. 575.

41*. « Topological selection rules in hadron phisics
Comptes Rendus de la 6ème Session d'Etudes Biennale de Physique Nucléaire, Aussois, France, 2-6 February 1981, p. c.13.1.

40*. "Topological interpretation of multiquark states"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the Workshop "From Collective States to Quarks in Nuclei", Bologna, November 25-28, 1980, "Lecture Notes in Physics", Vol. 137, p. 223, Springer-Verlag (1981).

39. "Topological supersymmetric structure of hadron cross sections"
The Physical Review D24 (1981) 2501
in collaboration with P. Gauron and S. Ouvry.

38. "Twisted baryon loop effects in Dual Topological Unitarisation"
The Physical Review D23 (1981) 2059
in collaboration with P. Gauron, S. Ouvry and J. Uschersohn.

37*. "Multiquark hadrons in topological bootstrap"
Invited paper, Proceedings of the 5th European Symposium on Nucleon-Antinucleon Interactions, Bressanone (Italy), 23-28 June 1980, CLEUP (1980), pp. 271-283
in collaboration with L.A.P. Balazs.

36. "Spherical bootstrap calculation of qqq - baryon and multiquark-hadron masses"
Zeitschrift für Physik C6 (1980) 269
in collaboration with L.A.P. Balazs.

35*. "Spherical bootstrap calculation of hadron masses"
Proceedings of the Workshop on Baryonium and other Unusual Hadron States, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Orsay, France, 1979, pp. XII 1-49
in collaboration with L.A.P. Balazs.

34*. "Elementary hadrons beyond mesons and baryons in Bootstrap Quark Theory"
Invited talk, Proceedings of the XIVth Rencontre de Moriond, Frontières Editions (1979), vol. "Quarks, gluons and jets", pp. 63-72.

33. "Topological quark-gluon structure of elementary hadrons beyond mesons and baryons"
CERN preprint TH.2635 (1979)
in collaboration with G.F. Chew, J. Uschersohn and R. Vinh Mau.

32*. « Confinementhidden color and multibaryon states »
Comptes Rendus des Journées d'Etude Saturne, Roscoff, France, 1979, pp. 3-28.

31. "Pseudomesoniums"
Nuclear Physics B150 (1979) 287
in collaboration with J.M. Richard and D.M. Tow
(republished in Proceedings of the IVth European Antiproton Conference, Barr, Editions du C.N.R.S., 1979, vol. II, pp. 603-604).

30*. "Is there any evidence for exotic baryonium exchanges ?"
Proceedings of the Meeting on Exotic Resonances, Hiroshima, Japan, September 1-2, 1978, pp. 118-130.

29*. "Exotic baryonium exchanges"
 Proceedings of the XIIIth Rencontre de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, March 1978, Vol. I ("Phenomenology of Quantum Chromodynamics"), pp. 339-361.

28*. "Baryonium and other exotic hadrons "
Comptes Rendus des VIIIèmes Journées d'Etudes de la Division de Physique Théorique de L'IPN, Aussois (6-10 February 1978).

27. "Evidence for baryonium exchange in medium and high energy scattering"
Nuclear Physics B134 (1978) 495

26. "Baryonium mass spectrum in a planar bootstrap model"
Physics Letters 72B (1977) 240
in collaboration with L.A.P. Balazs.

25. "Status of the Regge pole model for KN scattering"
The Physical Review D15 (1977) 3296
in collaboration with D. Joynson and K. Kang

24. "Real parts of hadron amplitudes from 3-Universality"
Nuovo Cimento Letters 18 (1977) 565
in collaboration with D. Joynson.

23. "Regularities and systematics of hadron total cross-sections"
Nuovo Cimento 37A (1977) 97
in collaboration with D. Joynson.

22. "Striking polarization effects in on as a test of unconventional asymptotic behaviour"
Nuovo Cimento Letters 15 (1976) 397
in collaboration with D. Joynson, E. Leader and C. Lopez.

21. "Problems in the phenomenological analysis of cross-section differences :
σpp-σpn and "
Nuovo Cimento 31A (1976) 411
in collaboration with A. Bouquet, B. Diu and E. Leader.

20. "Non-Regge and hyper-Regge effects in pion-nucleon charge exchange scattering at high energies"
Nuovo Cimento 30A (1975) 345
in collaboration with D. Joynson, E. Leader and C. Lopez.

19. "A possible incompatibility between the NN and total cross-sections and the Regge pole model"
Nuovo Cimento 29A (1975) 30
in collaboration with A. Bouquet, B. Diu and E. Leader.

18. "High energy data and the structure of the odd signature amplitude of pion-nucleon scattering"
Nuovo Cimento Letters 13 (1975) 401
in collaboration with G. Bialkowski and K. Kang.

17. "Models for hadron-hadron scattering at high energies and rising total cross-sections"
The Physical Review 11 (1975) 2461
in collaboration with K. Kang.

16*. "Hadronic interactions at high energy"
Workshop d'Aussois, France, 1974 and course at University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France,
Proceedings of the Aussois Workshop, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Orsay, France,1974.

15. "A possible interpretation of pp rising total cross sections"
Nuovo Cimento Letters 8 (1973) 405
in collaboration with L. Lukaszuk.

14. "Cuts in the angular-momentum plane and inclusive type sum rules"
The Physical Review 8 (1973) 1533
in collaboration with K. Kang and R.W. Moore.

13. "Intersecting real Regge trajectories in and the ρ' puzzle"
The Physical Review 7 (1973) 836
in collaboration with E. Leader.

12. "Simultaneous fit for forward and backward pion-nucleon charge-exchange scattering"
The Physical Review 7 (1973) 784
in collaboration with M. Lacombe and R. Vinh Mau.

11. « Contribution to the theoretical study of the pion-nucleon scattering » / « Contribution à l'étude théorique de la diffusion pion-nucléon »
PhD Thesis / Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat

Publication of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Orsay, France, September 1972.

10*. "Factorizable formulæ in inclusive reactions and two body processes"
Proceedings of the Aussois Workshop, Institute of Nuclear Phyics, Orsay, France, 1972
in collaboration with J. Dias de Deus.

9. "Importance of the reactions and and their polarizations"
CERN publication (proposal of an experiment), February 1972
in collaboration with E. Leader.

8. "Doubled ρ Regge trajectory and positivity of the pp partial widths in dual-resonance model"
Nuovo Cimento Letters 1 (1971) 1031
in collaboration with B. A. Loiseau.

7. "On a derivation of a Veneziano-type representation for two-body processes including baryons"
Nuclear Physics B19 (1970) 653
in collaboration with M. Lacombe and R. Vinh Mau.

6. "The degeneracy and the recurrence of Regge trajectories in Veneziano's model"
Nuclear Physics B11 (1969) 55
in collaboration with R. Lacaze.

5. "The recurrence of Regge trajectories in the Chew-Frautschi Plot, as a property of Veneziano's model"
Publication of Paris 6 University, January 1969.

4. "A note on the S-matrix theory of electromagnetic interactions"
Nuovo Cimento 54A (1968) 181; Revue Roumaine de Physique 14 (1969) 7.
in collaboration with C. Vrejoiu and L. Burlacu;

3. "Higher-order radiative corrections in S-matrix of electromagnetic interactions"
Annals of the University of Bucharest, 1968
in collaboration with C. Vrejoiu and L. Burlacu.

2. " charge-exchange scattering"
The Physical Review 160 (1967) 1395
in collaboration with P. Ditza.

1. « Yang-Mills fields and the self-interaction of vector fields »
Revue de Physique, Bucharest, Romania, N° 7 and N° 9 (1966).

* designates the publications in Proceedings.

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